Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 53

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 7
issue Number : 53

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 7، ، issue Number 53

The secret history of the ancient Bahadoran Fors of Shamisa based on its ontological foundations

Fereshteh Naseri (Author in Charge)


Ontology is one of the important metaphysical topics that by giving importance to the role of existence in the system of existence, provides the basis for ontological analyzes about man and the facts of the universe in literary texts. Considering that human beings by nature seek to discover the truths of the world, and on the other hand, the main feature of postmodern literature is a strong reliance on disintegration, contradictions and questionable narratives; Therefore, ontological studies can be considered as one of the basic discussions of postmodern literature. In postmodern fiction, by combining the boundaries of different worlds, the certainty of these worlds is negated, thus highlighting the ontological content of the text, and throughout the story, philosophical questions about the existence, nature of the world, and the structure of reality are raised in the audience"s mind. Combining features such as: author"s death and uncertainty, is the dominant approach of Bahadoran Fors"s secret history novel. Therefore, in the present study, we decided to explain the components of postmodern ontology index in this novel to find Master Shamisa using From what arrangements does he express different and multiple inferences and perceptions of this text and to what extent has he been able to explain his words based on the unification of topics for the audience, in order to enter the existential fields by disrupting the existential areas of the text? Success in the text itself.

Postmodernism , ontology , existential realms , author's death , the secret history of the ancient Bahadoran Fors

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